Raise a Glass! Fill A Glass With Hope 2019 Kickoff

Did you know 1.6 million Pennsylvanians face hunger with nearly half a million of whom are children? This January during the 103rd PA Farm Show, we kicked off the 2019 Fill a Glass with Hope campaign to continue providing fresh milk to families in need.

New Year, New Ideas!

Guest blogger, Kara Shultz, is the 2018-2019 Pennsylvania Alternate Dairy Princess New year new me! That’s what millions of people say each and every January, but most of these “new me’s” are things like eating healthier, being kinder, visiting family and friends more often. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with those goals but what about some…

A Dairy Christmas Wish

Guest blogger, Brooke Emery, is the 2018-2019 Pennsylvania Dairy Princess When I was little, my parents would always ask me what I was going to ask Santa to bring me on Christmas. Every year my answer always seemed to be the same: “I want Santa to bring me baby goats, baby rabbits, baby lambs, baby…

A Dairy Wonderful Life

Guest blogger, Rebecca Shaw is a dairy enthusiast and blogger at The Cow Chronicler™ My favorite holiday tradition is watching It’s a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve with my family. I love that movie, every year it never fails to make you happy-cry. The movie reminds us that no matter how hard life may be right…

Life with 500 Toddlers

Guest blogger, Jessica Peters, is a 5th generation dairy farmer in northwest Pennsylvania. In high school, I was the girl who stayed home. I always used the farm as an excuse to dodge plans. I had to feed calves, there was hay to make, or I had to milk the next morning. They weren’t really excuses because…

What to Expect at the 2019 Pennsylvania Farm Show

We’re only a few weeks away from the taste of delicious Dairymen’s milkshakes on our lips. That’s right – the 2019 PA Farm Show is almost here! While we’re excited for the milkshakes and fried cheese cubes, there are a few other activities happening that you don’t want to miss.

Calving Corner Feature

The Calving Corner is back at Farm Show for year two! The Calving Corner is a live dairy cow birthing center that offers a unique opportunity to witness the miracle of life, see cows and newborns up close, and learn more about how Pennsylvania’s dairy farmers work hard every day to responsibly care for their…

Should You Thank a Farmer?

Guest blogger, Jessica Peters, is a 5th generation dairy farmer in northwest Pennsylvania. Autumn is upon us and with it everything just gets busier. Kids go back to school while pumpkin spice oozes out of every restaurant, café, and department store. Then all of a sudden, it’s Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and before you know it, that one…

Three Reasons Why Dairy Calves Live on Their Own

Guest blogger, Sarah Fenwick is a recent graduate from Delaware Valley University as a large animal science major with a dual minor in agribusiness and dairy science One of the most popular questions dairy farmers receive is, “Why are baby calves taken from their mothers?”